If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to contact us. Nonetheless we hope that we can keep you as a customer, so that you may also benefit from the improvements and innovations of Wuala's Storage System.

Again, we apologise deeply that you experienced a loss of data.

We are, however, convinced that the increased efficiency, stability and safety of the new system more than justifies the risks of migration. Thus we also can't know if 100% of our customer base have complied with our announcements and downloaded and converted all of their data - each customer is responsible for the maintenance of their data integrity.Īs with any large scale, complex system changes, there is a risk of adverse events, especially if active participation of hundreds of thousands of individuals (our customers) is required to prevent them. What we can't do - due to all data being safely encrypted - is to check your data's status and/or complete the system migration for our customers. We announce bigger system changes well ahead of time so that our customers can take any necessary measures to make a smooth transition. At certain points during system development, it is necessary to discontinue use of and support for older versions it's the only way we are able to always offer you the best solution for the best price. Like any other good software, the Wuala Storage System is under constant development to become even more efficient, stable and safe than it already is. Please allow us to explain the system migration to you. We are very sorry that, despite all preventative measures, you experienced a loss of data in the wake of our latest system migration. Leur réponse: Dear Locher André, Thank you for your Email. Plein de confiance, j'écris un mail à Wuala pour leur demander de rétablir la situation.
Wuala pop plus#
J'ouvre Wuala et je constate que plus 700 GB de fichiers sont devenus inaccessibles. J'utilisais un peu plus de 900 GB pour y faire une sauvegarde de mes fichiers photos. Lisez ci-dessous l'échange mail avec Wuala. Et tout ce qu'ils font: présenter des excuses. Je suis client de Wuala depuis plusieurs années et je paie CHF 1099.- par an.Įt malgré toutes leurs assurances, Wuala vient de faire disparaître 700 GB de fichiers. STAY AWAY FROM WUALA SINCE THEY DO NO LONGER OFFER A DECENT SERVICE TO THEIR PAYING CUSTOMERS AND CAN NOT KEEP YOUR DATA! Wuala the Non Secure Cloud storage - Wuala le stockage en ligne non sécurisé. Wuala - Non Secure Cloud Storage - With Wuala you can lose all your files.