When the public has the opportunity to, for the first time, admire and criticise the work. Serviceplan/Plan.Net: When the project is shown to the public for the first time – in other words, when it effectively goes “on air” and the whole pre-production stress pays off. Red Dot: What is the best moment during a project phase? The result is entirely new sound experiences that, in a manner both intelligent and emotionally appealing, draw attention to a problem hitherto hardly acknowledged in people’s consciousness.” The jury awarded this outstanding design achievement, which was made by Alexander Nagel, Kathrin Wetzel, Christian Mittelmaier, Rebecca Labiner, Stefan Becker, Matthias Schuster and Georgios Kaleadis, with the Red Dot: Grand Prix. Sounds never heard before are recorded and, through collaborations with artists around the globe, are turned into music. The Red Dot jury summarised: “This project is fascinating in that it takes one silent phenomenon caused by global warming – the melting of icebergs – and creates a sound identity for it. At the end of the project, politicians are asked to spend an equal amount of time as the accumulated listening time on finding solutions for the global issue of climate change. Each second that visitors spend listening to the songs is counted. With the start of the World Climate Conference 2015, the compositions were visualised with WebGL technology and published under to provide an intense listening experience. In collaboration with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), internationally renowned musicians turned these sounds into songs for the purpose of making them heard worldwide. Scientists recorded the natural, yet hauntingly odd sounds arising when icebergs melt. The “Iceberg Songs” were composed to overcome this emotional distance. However, melting icebergs are simply too far away for most people to be emotionally attached to this global issue. “Iceberg Songs” is a project that aims at raising awareness of the fact that the icebergs in the polar regions are melting quickly. In 2016, the top individual award was granted to the website “Iceberg Songs” designed by Serviceplan and Pan.Net for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Among the works which received a Red Dot: Best of the Best, the jury awards the Red Dot: Grand Prix.

Once a year, the jury of the Red Dot Award: Communication Design honours projects of high design quality.